Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Value of Novel Reading

I think the there is value in novel reading. I think, as displayed in Northanger Abbey, certain novels can help one learn the right and wrongs, or the proper of society. I also think that any reading can help develop one's vocabulary, and improve proper speech. I do think that your mind cannot wander to far in the novel because reality is stretch somewhat to keep interest and to entertain. However, I do believe in many novels there are lessons learned, and you could learn from mistakes of certain characters.

They say they teach us history to help us understand why certain things happened and to help do things differently in the future. I think many novels are derived from the current events of which it is written. In a sense the novel is a history lesson with fictional characters added to it. It brings the history lesson to a more personal level, and actually gives the reader feeling and emotion to what is going on. If you match that to what is currently going on in society when the book as written, I believe you would be able to better justify your feeling and emotions toward the society you live in. I think that is one reason Uncle Tom;s Slavery was written. Not only to fulfill are ignorance on slavery, but to put some emotion and empathy behind it. It was written so we could actually get an image of how the slavery affected African Americans, not just stating the facts as a basic history lesson would do.

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